<p dir="ltr">> [ipgroup ipgroup1]<br>
> ...<br>
> [ipgroup ipgroup2]<br>
> ...<br>
> [netgroup netgroup1]</p>
<p dir="ltr">This looks a bit redundant... Is the goal to allow sysadmins to write things like </p>
<p dir="ltr">[ipgroup production]<br>
[ipgroup development]<br>
[netgroup internal]</p>
<p dir="ltr">and so forth? If so, perhaps that would be a better example? If not, why not something closer to</p>
<p dir="ltr">[ipgroup 1]<br>
[ipgroup 2]<br>
[netgroup 1]</p>
<p dir="ltr">and automatically add the appropriate prefix?</p>