[PATCH storage 1/1] storage/plugins: pass scfg to parse_volname

Roland Kammerer roland.kammerer at linbit.com
Thu Feb 29 16:09:22 CET 2024

On Thu, Feb 29, 2024 at 02:29:51PM +0100, Fiona Ebner wrote:
> Am 23.02.24 um 10:24 schrieb Roland Kammerer:
> > This passes the well known $scfg to parse_volname and bumps the API
> > versions accordingly. This allows plugins to access their configuration
> > if necessary.
> > 
> Hi,
> can you please describe your use case in more detail? Why does parsing
> the volume name depend on something in the storage configuration?


I can try, hopefully not only repeating what I wrote in the cover

- We want to implement reassigning disks to different VMs.
- this calls the plugin's rename_volume.

Usually this renames a disk from vm-100-disk-1 to something like
vm-101-disk-1. Great, no changes needed to parse_volume, the (new) VM ID
can be parsed from the name with a regex and the actual disk.

For us this would mean that we would need to rename the resource in
LINSTOR, the DRBD devices on all nodes, the backing device for the DRBD
resources on all nodes,... For various reasons that is terribly hard,
especially considering cluster wide rollbacks. If you want me to, I can
fill some pages about that :).

So I came up with this:

- Let's not store the VM ID in the name of the resource/device, but
  let's generate resource/"disk" names like pm-$UUID. The LINSTOR
  resource is named pm-$UUID, the DRBD device is named pm-$UUID, the
  backing devices on LVM/ZFS are named /dev/vg/pm-$UUID...
- Great, we abstracted away the VM IDs. So where do we then store the VM
  ID that for example parse_volname needs to return the actual VM ID?
- We can store that in meta data that is associated with the
  LINSTOR/DRBD resource. We have a central component, the LINSTOR
  controller, the "brain of the SDS", which is needed anyways and it's
  IP is already in the storage configuration. Just think of it as a
  "data base".
- So in that "data base" we store that pm-123... belongs to VM ID 100.
- Reassigning a disk to a new VM (ID) is then trivial, we just update
  the "data base" entry for pm-$UUID, now pointing to VM ID 101 (or
  whatever). That is exactly what I do in rename_volume. I don't
  actually rename the LINSTOR/DRBD/LVM objects/disks, I just update the
  mapping. When getting called for "reassing disks to a new VM", the
  plugin is free to generate a name. I return the old/existing name, but
  the new VM ID. Yes, that is a bit if cheating, but works perfectly
  fine for that scenario of reassinging disks to VMs.
- Whenever we need the VM ID, we don't parse it from the pm-$UUID name,
  we can't, but we ask our "data base".
- In oder to ask the "data base", we need to know its IP. And for that
  we need a pointer to the storage configuration that (already) contains
  that IP.
- all plugin functions already get a parameter to $scfg. With one
  exception: parse_volname.

All in all, yes, this is specific for our use case, otherwise
parse_volname would already have that additional parameter as all the
other plugin functions, but I don't see where this would hurt existing
code, and it certainly helps us to enable reassigning disks to VMs.
Passing in a param all other functions already get access to also does
not sound too terrible to me.

If there are further questions please feel free to ask.

Regards, rck

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