[pve-devel] [PATCH manager 1/2] ui: dc: backup: improve UX for the different 'notification-mode's

Lukas Wagner l.wagner at proxmox.com
Mon Apr 15 11:27:03 CEST 2024

On  2024-04-11 09:44, Thomas Lamprecht wrote:
>> Tested both commits, they do what they promise.
>>> +	let notificationSystemHint = Ext.create({
>>> +	    xtype: 'displayfield',
>>> +	    padding: '0 0 0 5',
>>> +	    userCls: 'pmx-hint',
>>> +	    hidden: true,
>>> +	    value: gettext('No email configured, the notification system will be used'),
>>> +	    viewModel,
>>> +	    bind: {
>>> +		hidden: '{!hintTextVisible}',
>> I think the `pmx-hint` being displayed as yellow suggests it is a
>> warning/error rather than a hint. I wonder if there is a better
>> approach, as this is certainly not a warning.
> Yeah, the hint is even often used as warning, having something more like a
> "notice" or well, actual "hint" level, that isn't as flashy, might be a
> good idea in the long run..
> For now, we could also set a 'Hint' label and then add the pmx-hint class only
> to the labelClsExtra config?
> But I'm fine with this as is if you, Lukas, think that it's warranted (and
> maybe even not showed that often in practice anyway).

Actually this is visible when creating new backup jobs, because 'Notification mode' is 
set to 'Default (auto)' and there is no email entered. So yeah, a more gentle 
hint would be better. That being said, I'd like to get this merged ASAP to
resolve pontential for confusion for our users[1].

I would suggest to merge the variant with 'pmx-hint' (I'll send a v2 though, because
I fixed a minor issue just now when reevaluating this) and then revisit
this soonish to introduce a more hinty, less warning CSS class. There are other places where
that one could be useful (e.g. second page of the same dialog - Retention, or Rentention
settings for storage plugins), so we could fix them all in one go in a followup.

[1] https://forum.proxmox.com/threads/pve-sending-email-notifications-on-successful-backup-jobs.136768/post-635769
- Lukas

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