[pve-devel] [PATCH storage v2 4/4] pbs: fix #5008: Check if datastore and namespace is valid on add- and update hooks

Fiona Ebner f.ebner at proxmox.com
Thu Nov 16 12:04:17 CET 2023

Am 16.11.23 um 11:45 schrieb Philipp Hufnagl:
> I was trying to order the commits in a way that, while they are
> changing the code, the should not impact the behavior of the program.
> It should be possible to apply all previous commits without modifying
> the behavior.
> If it is easier or maintainers, I can attempt to implement the fix
> first, then the clean up after

IMHO, preparatory patches should be required for the fix or make it
easier to get to the fix. If it's an optimization that requires a few
changes, it's better done as a follow-up. Of course there are exceptions
to this. From my side, you don't have to go out of your way and re-do it
for this series.

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