[pve-devel] [PATCH manager v13 5/6] add clipboard checkbox to VM Options

Thomas Lamprecht t.lamprecht at proxmox.com
Fri Nov 10 11:00:25 CET 2023

Am 10/11/2023 um 10:34 schrieb Dominik Csapak:
>> +				value: 'You cannot use the default SPICE clipboard' +
>> +				    ' if the VNC Clipboard is selected',
> nit: i'd maybe like an additional sentence here that says
> the user has to install the spice-tools in the guest
> (to avoid confusion)
> also maybe we should pack these warnings in gettexts
> (what is our current policy for that regarding long texts @thomas?)

The thing is: you can *never* loose with using gettext for actual text
(i.e., all but abbreviated technology terms, like VXLAN, or trade marks)

Because in the worst case nobody would going to translate it, so users
would still see the message in the original English, just as they'd if
gettext wasn't used at all.
But for a few languages we got very prolific translator, some of whom
already complained in the past about missing gettext use, so it's more
likely that these things get translated, helping users that feel more
comfortable in their native language.

So, in general, if in doubt let's use gettext, besides for the
aforementioned case, where the text consists only of abbreviations and/or
trade mark terms.

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