[pmg-devel] [PATCH pmg-api 7/8] api: acme: deprecate tos endpoint in favor of new meta endpoint

Folke Gleumes f.gleumes at proxmox.com
Tue Nov 14 15:14:07 CET 2023

The ToS endpoint ignored data that is needed to detect if EAB needs to
be used. Instead of adding a new endpoint that does the same request,
the tos endpoint is deprecated and replaced by the meta endpoint,
that returns all information returned by the directory.

Signed-off-by: Folke Gleumes <f.gleumes at proxmox.com>
 src/PMG/API2/ACME.pm | 59 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 58 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/src/PMG/API2/ACME.pm b/src/PMG/API2/ACME.pm
index 9e3eb8d..8795c33 100644
--- a/src/PMG/API2/ACME.pm
+++ b/src/PMG/API2/ACME.pm
@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ __PACKAGE__->register_method ({
 	return [
 	    { name => 'account' },
 	    { name => 'tos' },
+	    { name => 'meta' },
 	    { name => 'directories' },
 	    { name => 'plugins' },
 	    { name => 'challenge-schema' },
@@ -353,11 +354,12 @@ __PACKAGE__->register_method ({
 	return $update_account->($param, 'deactivate', $force_deactivate, status => 'deactivated');
+# TODO: deprecated, remove with pmg 9
 __PACKAGE__->register_method ({
     name => 'get_tos',
     path => 'tos',
     method => 'GET',
-    description => "Retrieve ACME TermsOfService URL from CA.",
+    description => "Retrieve ACME TermsOfService URL from CA. Deprecated, please use /config/acme/meta.",
     permissions => { user => 'all' },
     parameters => {
 	additionalProperties => 0,
@@ -384,6 +386,61 @@ __PACKAGE__->register_method ({
 	return $meta ? $meta->{termsOfService} : undef;
+__PACKAGE__->register_method ({
+    name => 'get_meta',
+    path => 'meta',
+    method => 'GET',
+    description => "Retrieve ACME Directory Meta Information",
+    permissions => { user => 'all' },
+    parameters => {
+	additionalProperties => 0,
+	properties => {
+	    directory => get_standard_option('pmg-acme-directory-url', {
+		default => $acme_default_directory_url,
+		optional => 1,
+	    }),
+	},
+    },
+    returns => {
+	type => 'object',
+	additionalProperties => 1,
+	properties => {
+	    termsOfService => {
+		description => 'ACME TermsOfService URL.',
+		type => 'string',
+		optional => 1,
+	    },
+	    externalAccountRequired => {
+		description => 'EAB Required',
+		type => 'boolean',
+		optional => 1,
+	    },
+	    website => {
+		description => 'URL to more information about the ACME server.',
+		type => 'string',
+		optional => 1,
+	    },
+	    caaIdentities => {
+		description => 'Hostnames referring to the ACME servers.',
+		type => 'array',
+		items => {
+		    type => 'string',
+		},
+		optional => 1,
+	    },
+	},
+    },
+    code => sub {
+	my ($param) = @_;
+	my $directory = extract_param($param, 'directory') // $acme_default_directory_url;
+	my $acme = PVE::ACME->new(undef, $directory);
+	my $meta = $acme->get_meta();
+	return $meta;
+    }});
 __PACKAGE__->register_method ({
     name => 'get_directories',
     path => 'directories',

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