[pmg-devel] applied-series: [PATCH pmg-api/pmg-gui] update freshclam.conf template

Thomas Lamprecht t.lamprecht at proxmox.com
Tue Apr 14 14:37:28 CEST 2020

On 4/3/20 7:57 PM, Stoiko Ivanov wrote:
> This patchset addresses two small issues in our freshclam template, which
> both hit a few users (e.g. [0]) after the last update of clamav (new minor
> version).
> On the one hand clamav had an issue where complete database downloads where
> broken for a while (until their cdn got synced up with the version they
> announced via DNS), on the other hand some users later had problems with
> incremental updates not working. Since I do recall times where this hit me
> (new clamav package resulting in non-functioning clamav due to some problem
> in fetching the signature updates) - I went ahead and made the choice of
> incremental or not downloads configurable via GUI.
> The second issue was that upstream changed the default value of ReceiveTimeout
> to 0 (no Timeout) - this also started to hit users with the last update.
> While I'm a bit unsure about changing default values during a release, the
> change should not cause any regression, and should be even more visible if
> the ucf-series gets applied beforehand.
> [0] https://forum.proxmox.com/threads/clamav-error-database-update-process-failed-up-to-date-1.65086/#post-296765
> pmg-api:
> Stoiko Ivanov (2):
>   freshclam.conf.in: make ScriptedUpdates a variable
>   freshclam.conf.in: remove ReceiveTimeout option
>  src/PMG/Config.pm               | 6 ++++++
>  src/templates/freshclam.conf.in | 3 +--
>  2 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
> pmg-gui:
> Stoiko Ivanov (1):
>   ClamAVDatabase: add scriptedupdates checkbox
>  js/ClamAVDatabase.js | 2 ++
>  1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)

applied series, thanks!

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